AMLI Relocates Heritage Live Oak Trees to New Park

Tue 8/22/23
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AMLI has partnered with Houston-based Environmental Design to move four heritage live oak trees from the former Office in the Park development to their new permanent home within the new three-acre Redding Trail Park and Trail extension that AMLI is donating to Addison as a part of the AMLI Tree House development. The tree transplant process, which involves a patented technology that allows the tree root balls to be rolled on timber platforms supported by inflated bladders, began on August 7 and is planned to continue through late August. The excavation of the future park will follow.

In addition to the four large trees being relocated within the project, AMLI has worked to preserve many of the existing trees on the site within the park and surrounding the new development. To further enhance the natural feel of the development, the team will also plant over 350 new trees, of which over half are allocated to the future Redding Trail Park and Trail extension, with the remainder planted in and around the multifamily and retail development. The new trees include not only high-quality native trees such as live oak, chinquapin oak, cedar elm, but also ornamental trees such as Japanese maples.